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Domain name ownership can be a warzone.

We regularly take on clients requiring web-based services only to have to inform them that they don’t actually own their own domain name. Without legal ownership of your domain name you could have numerous problems with hosting, email, domain transfers and renewals. This can even halt the sale of your business.

In most cases, domain name ownership issues arise when a service provider registers a domain in their own name and not that of their client or client’s company. This is a very common mistake that happens far too often and can lead to ownership questions and subsequent legal disputes down the line.

How can you tell if you own your domain name?
A simple Whois lookup will provide you with the answers. Whois checks can be done via many websites such as www.whois.net. Simply enter your domain name and click go. You should get all the information about your domain name and whom it is registered to. The registrant is the legal owner of the domain name and this is where your or your companies name should appear.

In most cases this information can be edited with a simple email or letter requesting that the registrant details be update.

In extreme cases where the registrant is a disgruntled employee, stubborn service provider, or individual who has gone out of business, the involvement of the domain registrar will be required which can lead to delays from lengthy processes to possible legal disputes.

Your domain name is an important business asset and marketing tool. Livion can check your domain to ensure that everything is set up correctly and legally yours.